by Charlie Husar
Keeping our CALs alive is a critical element of our overall CAL 25 activities. We have learned a number of valuable lessons from working on our boats, and want to share them with anyone who needs the info. The purpose of this part of the website is to provide a growing set of tips and methods for fixing or improving various parts of the CAL 25. If anyone has any suggestions for items he/she would like to see covered, please contact Charlie or Marty at E-Mail addresses in the Management section of this site. Some sample topics we will cover in the near future are:

What Happens When the Mast Pedestal Has Holes in It
A Beautiful New Cabin Floor
One Way to Make a Mast Beam
Redoing Some Cabin Woodwork
Some Deck Work
Some Hints on Electrics
There are often many ways to skin the cat. The articles will give methods that have worked through experience and screw-ups. There are always different ways to accomplish the same thing. Here are some samples of work we’ve done. Thanks to Erik and Marty Lostrom (Krigare 1606), Scott Sauvageot (Indefatigable 1651), and Charlie Husar (Chicken Little 1657) for the photos. Thanks to Peter Sheils (Ronin 681) for the use of his basement for beam building.
Notes and Correspondence
This is a home grown publication and needs your input to do its job. Many thanks to Karen Larson at Good Old Boat Magazine for permission to use the drawing below. It is the work of Fritz Seegers. I thought it beautifully depicts the grass roots level of publishing that we represent.
That said, we look forward to hearing from any body who wants advice on a CAL 25 project, has suggestions on boat topics, has photos to offer of CAL 25s, or has ideas on how this web site might be improved. Please contact our folks like Charlie and Marty (E-Mail addresses on Page 1) with any ideas. This web site is for you.