Pictures Sent by Brian Shenston of Draco
Draco with her chute up
Brian Shenstone Cal 25 National Champ.
The Cal 25 Detroit Fleet from 2005
2005 Picture of the Detroit fleet Finishing the Nationals
2005 Nationals Start in Detroit
Lake St. Clair Race #2
Draco on port
I'm not quite sure how to caption this one!
A lot of Cal 25's get ready to Start!
Draco on the Trailor to Long Beach, Ca
The 2006 Draco crew in Long Beach, CA near ABYC.
Draco Docked near the Long Beach YC for the 2006 Nationals
Discovery Headed in to Alamitos Bay.
Scott is standing near the Transom.
Former Nat. Champ Dennis Rigs heading in from the 2006 Nationals
The 2007 Cal 25 Nationals Competitors at the dock in Annapolis
Getting the boat on the Trailor to head to the 2007 Nationals in Annapolis.
Draco in 2008.
The Crew of One Time Traveled from Long Beach,Ca to race in the 2008 Nationals on lower Lake Huron
The One Time Crew chartered Hullabaloo to race in the 2008 Nationals.