CSYC MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Crescent Sail Yacht Club 276 Lakeshore Drive Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 www.crescentsail.com APPLICANT INFORMATION Select type of Membership Application SeniorCrewJunior email: Name: Date of Birth: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone Mobile: Occupation: SPOUSE/PARTNER INFORMATION email : Name : Date of Birth: Address: City : State: Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone Mobile: Occupation: ADDITIONAL APPLICANT INFORMATION Check all that apply I am interested in crewing on other member's boatsI am interested in the Flying Scot programI am interested in the Adult to Sail programMy children are interested in Crescent's Junior Sailing Program Comment(s): What type of boat do you currently own? Class/Type: Size: ft Year: Moored at: If you do not own a boat at this time what Class/Type and size are you interested in? Class/Type: Size: ft What is your sailing experience? Racing Day Sailing Cruising What other Clubs or organizations do you belong to? What skills do you have to offer CSYC? Sponsor(1) Sponsor(2) Sponsor(3) If you want a copy of this form for your records, scroll to the top of the page and click the Printer Icon. Don't forget to come back down here afterword and submit the form by clicking the SEND button. This form is cleared after a successful submittal. Tom Cotter - Membership Chairman (mobile) 914 441-2838 joincsyc@gmail.com ← Back to previous page
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