CSYC RICK JOHNSON MEMORIAL DOUBLE HANDED SERIES 2016 RACE APPLICATION Start and finish in front of C.S.Y.C. SPRING SERIES: June 6, 13, 20 & 27 SUMMER SERIES: August 1, 8, 15 & 22 Skipper's Name: Yacht Name: Sail No: Hull Color: PHRF Rating: Home Port: Yacht Make/Class: LOA: Address: City: Zip Code: E-Mail: Phone (Home): (Cell): (Work): Crew’s Name (optional): E-mail(optional): Series Choice (Indicate by a check mark in blank space): For United States Sailing Association (USSAILING) members (Member # ) the registration fees are: $65 - both Jun & Aug series$40 - Jun series only$40 - Aug series only For non-USSA members the fees are: $70 - both Jun & Aug series$45 - Jun series only$45 - Aug series only Please consider this entry for the Jack & Jill Award (man & woman crew): NoYes Entry Deadline: Entries must be received by May-28, for the Spring Series or Spring/Summer Series. Entries for Summer Series only must be received by Jul-22. Class designations and race instructions will be E-mailed to the skipper on or about Jun-3, (Jul-27 for Aug series). Applications received after the deadline must be accompanied with a $30 late fee. NO EXCEPTIONS PLEASE. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I (on behalf of myself, my crew and any others aboard my boat) hereby waive any rights I (or any of us) may have to sue the race organizers (organizing authority, race committee, protest committee, host club, sponsors, or any other organization or official) involved with the event with respect to personal injury or property damage suffered by myself, my crew, and any others aboard my boat as a result of our participation in this event and hereby release the race organizers from any liability for such injury or damage. Signature of Skipper: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ Yachts will be classed and rated in accordance with the latest measurements and rating accepted by and on file with the Detroit Regional Yacht racing Association (DRYA) or upon assignment by the Race Committee. A DRYA certificate is highly recommended. Non rated boats may be assessed up to a 9 second penalty. A boat’s rating can be adjusted by the Race Committee for any listed DRYA penalty for equipment not used in this series. (Spinnaker Pole, Sails, etc...) DRYA JAM Rating: (Ratings on current DRYA Valid List) Furling Headsail Credit: (Based on current DRYA regulations) Propeller Credit: Pole/Other: DRYA Handicap: Participants may use main and any one foresail for which their yacht is rated. Cutters may use a combination of two foresails. Sails may be changed. Spinnakers, gennakers, code “0” etc. are not permitted. If you do not have a PHRF rating certificate or have a yacht whose class is not in the DRYA valid list, please provide the information requested on the bottom of this entry form. Incomplete information may result in an unfavorable rating. Application Information Only (Boats Without a Rating Certificate) Boat Type Year Built LWL Beam Draft Displacement Keel: FixedShoalDeepCenterboard Engine: InboardOutboard Prop: FixedFoldingFeather # Blades: Rig: ShortNormalTall Genoa Roller Furling (luff /sail area reduction) Fore Triangle: Height (I meas.) Base (J meas.) Largest Headsail LP (%) Describe below any modification to hull or rig from the standard design and include dimension changes. Attach a copy of your DRYA Certificate: Enter the characters you see to the right: Registration Instructions: Fill out this registration form with as much information as you can provide Print the form by clicking the printer icon found below the SEND button. Be sure to print this form before clicking the SEND button as the form will be cleared after successful submission. Please mail this signed registration form and your check to: John Covert-Sisung 683 Chicago Blvd Detroit, MI 48202 Checks should be made payable to John Covert-Sisung. Please DO NOT make checks payable to CSYC. Contact John at 313-804-1557 or csycdblhd@gmail.com for additional info. ← Back to previous page
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