2018 Annapolis Cal-25 National Championship

The racing dates are Saturday Sept 1, Sunday Sept 2, and Monday Sept 3. This regatta is open to any Cal-25 skipper who is a member of his/her local Fleet, and sails in compliance with the requirements of the Cal-25 National Rules, version 3.4.1.

The Cal-25 National Championship will be a combination of the Annapolis Labor Day Regatta (ALDR) and the Cal-25 National Championship Monday (NCM). Participants in the Cal-25 Nationals  shall enter both the ALDR as one standalone event and the Cal-25 NCM as a second standalone event. Scores will be combined for the overall Cal 25 National Championship. There will be award ceremonies for the two day ALDR on Sunday, and the Cal-25 Nationals on Monday.

Notices & Attachments

Annapolis Labor Day Regatta (ALDR) http://eastportyc.org/aldr

Cal-25 National Championship (NCM)  Cal-25 Notice of Race (NOR)

Cal-25 NCM Sailing Instructions 180903_Cal25_NC_SIs_R0 1

Official Notice Board

The expected start area is 0.5 nm 120 degrees from Yellow Dolphin (YA).  The signal boat is Quest (Albin 28 dark blue hull).  Best Sailing.  Posted 9/3 0818


Cal-25 2018 National Championship – Pursuit Race

Cal-25 2018 National Championship – 3 races

Cal-25 2018 National Championship – 4 races

Cal-25 2018 National Championship – 5 races

Schedule of events

Registration for ALDR (sailing goody bags) will be at Eastport Yacht Club on Friday, Aug 31, 1500-1900; Saturday, Sept 1, 0800-0900. EYC is at the Spa Creek end of First Street in Eastport. Maps will be sent out.

  • Aug 31 Friday – Sail measurement 5-7PM at North Sails 317 Chester Avenue Eastport Annapolis
  • Aug 31 Friday – Social at Davis Pub (near North Sails) in Eastport
  • Sept 1 Saturday – Government Marks Race as specified by ALDR Sailing Instructions (SIs) – ALDR party to follow
  • Sept 2 Sunday – W-L Races as specified by ALDR Sailing Instructions (SIs) – ALDR awards ceremony to follow
  • Sept 3 Monday – W-L Races as specified by Cal 25 Nationals Sailing Instructions (SIs) (similar to Sunday instructions)
  • Sept 3 Monday – Cal 25 Nationals dinner and awards at Port Annapolis Marina after races (4 miles from downtown Annapolis)

There will be a separate fee for the Monday Cal 25 Nationals dinner.

Contact / Email Charlie Husar for more details …

4 Responses to 2018 Annapolis Cal-25 National Championship

  1. Joe Jeffery September 3, 2018 at 9:46 PM #

    Great meeting folks down in Annapolis and seeing other Cals on the water for the first time. We’re inspired to get ours race ready and getting out for our own club’s races.

    Joe Jeffery
    Rambling Rose
    New Haven CT

    • John McAllister September 10, 2018 at 2:34 PM #

      Joe, It was a pleasure meeting you and your boys. We wish you the best with your Cal-25 sailing. Don’t hesitate to write us any questions you might have going forward. Stay in touch …

  2. Scott Melendres September 5, 2018 at 4:11 PM #

    Congratulations John and Tracy on your victory in the 2018 Nationals. You are a deserving representative of a Cal 25 national champion. I have to say I think the trailer played a big part in your victory.
    Scott Melendres
    One more Time #1

    • John McAllister September 10, 2018 at 2:32 PM #

      I think it was a combination of the One-Time trailer and Draco’s code flag Ts that propelled us to victory. It didn’t hurt to have a little mojo from the two multi-time Championship winners !!!

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